Thursday, May 15, 2014

End of the Year Fun

What is it about May?  March and April seem to drag along, and then - BAM!- May comes, and there aren’t enough hours in the school day.  The month is jam-packed with testing, field day, testing, science fairs, testing, and testing.  Did I mention all the testing that happens in May?  As a way to bring some fun into May, toward the end of the month I set up this balloon activity.  I found it here on Pinterest last year, and tried it out.  My kids loved it, and it was a great way to keep them motivated through the last day of school.  You can check out some of the activities my class does on our End of the Year Fun Pinterest board.

In my classroom, we do these activities the last 10 days of school, in the afternoons.  I don’t tell the kids anything about it in advance, so they are super-surprised the first morning all the balloons are hanging from the ceiling!  Each morning, we find that day’s balloon (I have them numbered), pop it, and read the activity.  My kids also know if they don’t behave, the activity can be taken away.  We have to maintain some control, right?  You can download these strips I put into the balloons here.   

Happy popping!

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